
Gandhian Nationalism

Notice Gandhi in the two visuals above. Notice differences in social environment Dressing style Attitude to the British/British lifestyle Audience to which the actions in visuals I and II are directed

The Brown Babu and Opposition to British Rule – Early Nationalism

In the last two classes, we’ve been focusing on a ‘rural’ form of rebellion to the British government. One of our conclusions was that the 1857 rebellion did not get a lot of support from the population in urban areas i.e. the people living in towns and cities. Now, look at the images of a…

1857 and After

Our previous post tried to answer some questions regarding the rebellion of 1857. Now, try to visualise the rebellion in your head. Do you think such rebellions happen today. We live in cities but is there an agrarian rumble around us? Those living in the northern states of India would’ve heard of the farm laws…

The Apparatus of Rule – Law and Education

The East India Company’s ruled in India not just through a strong army and a strong, English civil service (bureaucracy). They also tried to bring changes in the way their authority was experienced by the common man. The English introduced the unique concepts of the ‘Rule of Law’ and ‘Equality before Law’ in India. After…

The Apparatus of Rule

The Apparatus to rule refers to the administrative presence of a state or a government. The apparatus to rule allows the state/government or ruler to exert its power and authority on the public. If people or public commit activities which challenge or question the power and authority of the state/government/ruler, then those members of the…

Land Revenue in the 18th – 19th century

Do you remember this fellow from the previous videos we’ve watched ? He is nawab Reza Khan, an experienced man who understood diwani administration and the limits to exploitation and oppression for agricultural production to survive. As a commercial, profit making company would the East India Company share his approach ? Look at the stats…

Awadh (1764 – 1856)

“Lord Dalhousie was keen on annexing the kingdom of Avadh. But the task presented certain difficulties. For one, the Nawabs of Avadh had been British allies since the Battle of Buxar, Moreover, they had been most obedient to the British over the years. The Nawab of Avadh had many heirs and could not therefore be…

The, Rulers of Mysore, the Marathas and the East India Company

In the political climate of the 18th century, there were many kingdoms claiming territories and political power. You are aware that after the decline of the Mughal Empire, many successor and independent states had started claiming sovereign power over different territories in India. In Central India and in large parts of the Deccan, the Marathas…

The Beginning of Colonial Rule in India

The Mughal farmans from Jahangir’s (1605 – 27) time had been granting the English East India company different kind of permissions to conduct trade. To encourage trading relations, they were slowly granted different kinds of permissions such as permission to conduct trade permission for free movement of goods without paying toll and road taxes permission…

The European presence in India

Arrange the following events in a probable chronology: Large scale naval explorations become possible Mariner’s compass is devised to help determine cardinal directions Europeans ‘discover’/travel to different parts of the world The Spanish and the Portugal empires were some of the earliest to be established The English constitute English East India Company in 1599 to…


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